Friday, January 21, 2011

The Home Stands That Were: One Goat's Opinion
Home Games 20–26 - December 21, 2010–January 8, 2011

I've put together an admittedly slap-dash recap of the home games that have taken place since the last post I did on this subject. It's a little more "stream of consciousness" than usual, but I figured it was better than leaving the gaping hole. Hopefully someone else will agree.

Delays, Distractions, and Disappointments

Well, it certainly has been a while since my last post, at least relative to the frequency I had been keeping up with for a while there. Funny thing what the holidays, a job hunt and a few weeks of less-than-stellar hockey will do to a guy's blog productivity.

ANYWHOO… I feel a bit back on track now. Fingers are crossed.